
What is Seam Welding?

What is Seam Welding?  Seam welding is the process of joining two similar or different materials together, at the seam, by electronic current and pressure. The gap creates an electrical resistance between the materials, which causes them to heat up at the seam. This process is most common with metals, because they conduct electricity easily, […]

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Deep Drawing and Stamping with Copper

Deep Drawing and Stamping With Copper Deep Drawing is one of our most popular processes at Toledo Metal Spinning Company. We are able to run large numbers of parts in a short amount of time, with extreme accuracy and precision. Copper has great malleability, meaning it can be stretched without breaking, which is ideal for Deep

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Deep Drawing and Stamping With Aluminum

Deep Drawing and Stamping With Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum is one of the most commonly used metals in the world. Some of the most typical uses are seen in: Beverage Cans Kitchen Appliances Automobile frames Aircraft and Spacecraft Components Televisions and Computers Cooking Utensils Aluminum Foil Aluminum is very durable, yet lighter in weight compared to

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Why is Recycling Metal Important?

Why is Metal Recycling Important? Metal Recycling has a Positive Impact on the Environment Recycling reduces the amount of waste that goes into landfills, and reduces the need to mine for new materials, which helps to reduce our carbon footprint. To put it in perspective, mining destroys the environment, large parts of mountain ranges and

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Deep Drawing 101

Deep Drawing 101 Why Deep Drawing? One of the main reasons we choose deep drawing over other manufacturing processes is to keep a one-piece construction, rather than turning to welding, or a multi-piece assembly involving multiple step processes. It is more timely, cost-effective, and efficient to utilize our deep draw presses. To classify a part

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