With over 95 years of experience and a proven track record of excellence, Toledo Metal Spinning Company is the go-to source for customized metal forming and fabrication solutions. Metal Spinning Copper parts is something that we can surely assist with, from the design process to the forming process.

Copper has very high corrosion resistance, which can be taken advantage of in many ways. It is a very useful metal for marine structures such as pier components, or marine vessel components. Copper also has antimicrobial properties. Copper containers carrying water are less prone to algae growth and slime formation than other materials. This makes copper an ideal material for making Food Processing or Industrial Cooking Equipment such as bowls, and kettles, or medical devices that hold liquids such as vessels, containers, canisters, or pans

Copper is easily formable, has a high deformation resistance, is has high electrical conductivity, and great ductility, making it a very popular material to choose from. 

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